
Shri Differentiators

Wonder Time

This is an activity that encourages young inquisitive minds to experience, observe and question simple experiments. It is experiential and leads children towards the thrill of discovery.

Circle Time

This is a special bonding time that develops in children the confidence to express their opinion in front of familiar people the ability to listen to others thoughts and opinions, without interrupting, to understand the concept of ‘taking turns’ and to wait patiently for their chance to speak, a sense of Team Work and respect for everyone.

Share and Tell

This activity enhances the communication skills and builds confidence in the children to speak in front of an audience. It also gives them a chance to share with others and make more friends.

Safe and secure Environment

In keeping with our philosophy of providing a safe and secure environment for our children, the school has installed CCTVs in all common areas and classrooms. Two full time nurses are part of the team at TSEY and minor accidents or ailments are dealt with immediately. All our cabs are GPRS enabled and are monitored closely by our administrators. Parents can also have access to the tracking of the cab in which their child id traveling. Further, even the cabs have CCTV cameras installed in them and are monitored closely by the admin.

Free Play

This activity fosters creativity and imagination in children. It provides a space and opportunity for them to Role Play the models they see around them. It is also an activity that develops simple Life Skills.

Music and Movement

Far from being just an activity on the time table, Music and Movement is an integral part of the curriculum at TSEY. It enables children to enjoy rhythm and melody and provides them with an opportunity for free expression.

A message from the Chairman of The Shri Ram School

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else, is the greatest accomplishment."

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Children between the age of 2 and 5 years are eager to learn and do so while they play. Through play, they are busy developing skills that complement their mental, emotional and physical development.

It becomes important, therefore, to provide these little learners an environment that will nurture them and create opportunities to arouse their curiosity, excitement and wonder while instilling in them sound values such as respect and sensitivity. To enable each child to discover themselves and to lay a strong foundation for lifelong learning, they need to feel free to explore, experiment and experience. That is what The Shri Ram Early Years (TSEY) offers."

Mr. Arun Bharat Ram – Chairman - The Shri Ram School

Our Inspiration - Mrs. Manju Bharat Ram

(29th December 1945-12th December 2012)

"A child’s maximum growth takes place between the age of 2 to 5 years in terms of mental, emotional and physical development. They need love and nurturing to develop a sense of trust and security that turns into confidence as they grow.

It is important that an environment be created for the child which is exciting, arouses curiosity, lays a solid foundation for learning, nurturing and sensitivity and makes the developing years an enriching one. The need for such an environment arose when children being admitted to The Shri Ram Schools were made to unlearn what they had learnt in some pre-schools. Learning has to be age appropriate and according to each child’s developmental needs. This is what The Shri Ram Early Years is all about."

Mrs. Manju Bharat Ram – Founder - The Shri Ram Schools

Our Legacy

Shri Educare Ltd. (SEL) is an educational services provider set up by the Arun Bharat Ram family, which has a legacy of interest in education in India. Mr. Bharat Ram’s grandfather, Sir Shri Ram, set up many highly reputed educational institutions, such as the Shri Ram College of Commerce in 1926 and the Lady Shri Ram College in 1956 in Delhi. Mr. Arun Bharat Ram, Chairman, SRF Ltd, is also the Chairman of Shri Educare Ltd and the SRF Foundation, which runs The Shri Ram Schools in Delhi. Mr. Arun Bharat Ram is also the Chairman of the Shri Ram Education Foundation, which manages the Lady Shri Ram College for women, in New Delhi.

Apart from its many initiatives in the K-12 sector, Shri Educare has also established Pre-schools in Gurgaon, Vasant Kunj and Greater Kailash 1. The Shri Ram Early Years (TSEY) caters to the growing need for quality education in the pre-school sector. The TSEY pre-schools reflect the values and culture of The Shri Ram Schools, and build the foundation for formal schooling in a child.


We pride ourselves with providing facilities like Yoga, Music and Movement, Swings and Slides, Sand Pit, Role Play area and Educational Learning Material from reputed brands like PlayTool and Jodo Gyan.

The Amphi Theatre provides children with an opportunity to participate during the Morning Assembly besides viewing various puppet shows and story sessions conducted by the teachers.

Our support staff is ample, and we have 1 Didi assigned to each class along with 2 teachers, making it a ratio of 1:9. We also have a round-the-clock school Nurse for administering first-aid and looking after sick children.

In order to cater to the holistic development of our children we organise various events throughout the year- Run For Fun, Special Morning, exhibitions, Grandparents day, Coffee Morning etc. Our annual summer camp-Suntastic received an overwhelming response from both parents and children. Professionally shot photographs and certificates were given away to all the participants.

Amid concerns over rising air pollution, the school management has taken effective preventive measures by installing Regulated Air-Conditioning and Air-Purifiers in all our classrooms and activity rooms.

We also have taken the initiative of plantation of certain special plants inside the TSEY campus which are known to be effective in reducing the pollution levels.
