Shri Differentiators

Wonder Time

This is an activity that encourages young inquisitive minds to experience, observe and question simple experiments. It is experiential and leads children towards the thrill of discovery.

Circle Time

This is a special bonding time that develops in children the confidence to express their opinion in front of familiar people the ability to listen to others thoughts and opinions, without interrupting, to understand the concept of ‘taking turns’ and to wait patiently for their chance to speak, a sense of Team Work and respect for everyone.

Share and Tell

This activity enhances the communication skills and builds confidence in the children to speak in front of an audience. It also gives them a chance to share with others and make more friends.

Safe and secure Environment

In keeping with our philosophy of providing a safe and secure environment for our children, the school has installed CCTVs in all common areas and classrooms. Two full time nurses are part of the team at TSEY and minor accidents or ailments are dealt with immediately. All our cabs are GPRS enabled and are monitored closely by our administrators. Parents can also have access to the tracking of the cab in which their child id traveling. Further, even the cabs have CCTV cameras installed in them and are monitored closely by the admin.

Free Play

This activity fosters creativity and imagination in children. It provides a space and opportunity for them to Role Play the models they see around them. It is also an activity that develops simple Life Skills.

Music and Movement

Far from being just an activity on the time table, Music and Movement is an integral part of the curriculum at TSEY. It enables children to enjoy rhythm and melody and provides them with an opportunity for free expression.

The Shri Ram Early Years, Gurgaon - Best Preschool in Gurgaon

A warm, inviting and vibrant infrastructure, combined with a well-qualified, experienced and sensitized team, contributes towards making The Shri Ram Early Years( TSEY) a happy place for all. The vibrant Front Porch and the Jumbo Play Station with their bright hues and child - friendly texture are a favourite with the children.

How selecting a good preschool in Gurgaon can prepare your child better

Several benefits come with enrolling your toddler in a quality preschool in Gurgaon at a suitable age. While many parents might have inhibitions and second thoughts about sending their little one to a preschool in Gurgaon, several studies show that they can only benefit from one. The best preschools in Gurgaon, such as The Shri Ram Early Years can help in preparing your child better for the future. Here’s how:

1. Social and academic foundation for learning

Young children and toddlers always have a keen sense of curiosity and are instinctively observant. They essentially learn from the environment around them- be it learning how to read, assembling a toy, or even learning how to count to pay a vendor. The best preschools in Gurgaon will help in preparing your keen and curious toddlers for the academic demands of a school that they are to attend shortly. Moreover, the interactive activities that are conducted by Preschool School teachers also help in laying a strong and concrete social foundation for better learning.

2. First structured setting

A preschool in Gurgaon is your child’s first touchpoint and experience with and in a structured setting. It is an important opportunity for growing children as they learn to exist in a structured setting with teachers and classmates, follow instructions, learn the meaning of discipline and decorum, and learn how to use their voice effectively. Hence, your child must have experience in a structured setting with a group before they begin school.

3. Preparation for an academic environment

Academics are undeniably an indispensable and crucial aspect of your child’s life that can make or break their future. When it comes to learning and preparing for an academic environment, there is no such thing as being ‘too young.’ The best preschools in Gurgaon focus on the essential development of pre-literacy and pre-math skills that will prepare them appropriately for the challenging and complex academic environment they will be in when they start primary school. Moreover, a good playschool in Gurgaon will always ensure that this learning is propagated through fun and engaging activities.

4. Social and emotional development

A play school in Gurgaon is one of the first social experiences your child might have, and it is crucial in developing important social and emotional skills that will go a long way in your toddler’s life. In a preschool in Gurgaon, children learn how to interact with others in a social setting, be understanding and empathetic, and be mindful of others while carrying out simple tasks or even communicating. Hence, the best preschool in Gurgaon will provide your child with a nurturing, safe, and enabling environment that will help them become more independent and confident.

5. Development of critical thinking and logical reasoning

Toddlers are curious by nature and question everything around them. The best preschool in Gurgaon will help in effectively developing critical thinking and instill and promote logical reasoning in your child through fun activities and communication exercises. By promoting this sense of curiosity and encouraging them to find answers on their own, a good play school in Gurgaon will help your child in finding answers through self-exploration and logical reasoning in a short period.

6. Experiential and interactive learning

Finally, learning can never be purely theoretical. Experiential and interactive learning are of monumental importance, and the best preschools in Gurgaon such as The Shri Ram Early Years realize and understand this. This is why all activities carried out in the preschool have an interactive and engaging element attached. This not only makes learning a fun process but also instills the importance of practical learning in young children. Moreover, making learning an enjoyable process, even if it is learning something basic as the alphabet or counting, can help promote positivity towards academics and make them look forward to learning as a whole.

If you’re looking for a good preschool in Gurgaon for your toddler, choosing a dynamic and reputed institute such as The Shri Ram Early Years is a wise and mindful decision. With our extensive experience, excellent infrastructure, and highly qualified staff, we ensure that each child gets adequate individual attention to promote their overall academic and social development.

Skills that your Child Develops in Preschool

The only purpose of a preschool is to let children learn and develop multiple skills without having to go through any pressure. Preschool sets an affable environment for these tiny tots where they leave no stone unturned, grasp everything quickly, and retain the learning . The teachers in pre-schools are not just the TEACHERS, they are the guides who take the child’s hand in theirs and watch every step that the child takes. They make the child realize that he or she is special! Preschool is meant to take children out of their comfort zone and reach the highest of the highs. A bunch of activities are organized in preschools to let children explore everything on their own and develop their own understanding of things rather than agreeing to what they are told.

Preschools let children explore the four corners of the world in order to stimulate critical thinking in their brains. The motive of early year education is to begin with the child’s heart rather than rubbing everything in his mind. It provides the right conditions in which children learn and bloom along with developing a bunch of skills

Here we have jotted down some of the best skills that children develop in preschool, take a peek:

Listening Skills:

Listening is one of the most important activities and making it a habit for children is what preschools aim for. Early childhood education is not just about letting children hear what is being said, in fact, it enhances their ability to respond to instructions effectively, take in information effortlessly as well as the ability to share their thoughts and ideas without hesitating. When children learn through a bunch of interesting stories, they develop a better understanding of the words they hear and eventually they develop the ability to relate to the words they listen to. When children develop better listening skills, they understand every word, remember those words for the longest time, and even recall them in their own words whenever asked for. Listening skills facilitate the development of other skills as well like communication skills. It is a well-known fact that a person who listens well becomes a good communicator.

Learning to be Responsible:

Preschool is believed to be the second home of a child where he/she learns so many things including the way they take little responsibilities effectively. This desirable trait can only be inculcated in children by reminding them of their responsibilities time and again. Guides in preschool help children to know the importance of self-capabilities as well as the satisfaction one feels by being responsible. When they are asked to pick up their toys, shoes, clothes, books, and many other things and put them in their right place, they learn the importance of organization.

Before asking them to do what they are supposed to, the caregivers, teachers, or guides demonstrate to them how to find scattered things, pick them up, and putting them where they need to go. Picking and dropping things in the right place are not the only activities through which children learn to be responsible. They are also taught to understand the importance of sharing their stuff like books and toys, waiting for their turn while playing, and raising a hand before giving answers or putting their opinion forward.

Motor Skills:

Preschools are famous for developing fine and gross motor skills in children. Preschool activities encourage hand-eye coordination and let students explore, learn as well as develop creative expression. The reason why preschool is important for children is that it does not emphasize memorization of letters or numbers, instead, it makes sure that the hands of children are coordinated and strong so that they can draw and write effortlessly. Academic learning is not the goal of preschools, in fact, it prepares your child for better learning in coming years.

Guides in preschool help children to pick up small items with their thumb and forefinger as well as giving them toys with knobs, switches, and dials. Other than this, there is a slew of other activities that help children develop motor skills, for example – clapping hands, building a tower of 10 blocks, sketching, painting, completing puzzles, drawing circles on a piece of paper, cutting out simple shapes with safety scissors, using fork and spoons as well as filling and dumping activities.

Language skills:

Preschoolers are known for their love for words! Preschool teachers help children develop their language abilities by talking to them and letting them express themselves with words. The best thing about children is they love talking either with themselves or others. The way they keep asking questions helps them understand the world around them. In preschool, children use language for various purposes like greeting someone, making requests, and describing something. Also, the children learn to use appropriate tone and volume while speaking to others.

Reading Skills:

Preschool helps children develop reading skills which is incredibly important for the development of a child. When a child starts reading the first thing he/she learns is holding a book and turning pages. Reading helps them to combine letters and utter meaningful words in proper tone and pronunciation. Children start recognizing the first letter of their own names and also they understand the main characters of a story through reading. They also start reading in groups and enjoy coordination and co-operation.

You can inculcate each and every aforementioned skill in your child but for that, you need to find the best preschool that creates a path for his/her bright future. The Shri Ram Early Years has always been in every parent’s discussion when they decide to enrol their child in the best preschool in Gurgaon. The amicable environment of TSEY and various engaging activities lets your child develop a critical view of each and everything he/she observes. These little ones are yet to be unfolded so why not choose the right place for them in order to create the shortest route between them and their creative calling.

Top 5 Preschool Themes for the Better Development of your Child

“Let the child be the scriptwriter, the director and the actor in his own play.” - Magda Gerber

Teaching pre-schoolers is not about rubbing in your own learning to their brains as they will never learn this way. Children learn the best when their imagination is involved so first make them DO the things before they LEARN them. A preschool is a place where children are motivated to ask questions, to explore every corner of their mind, to dive into the ocean of playful learning, and to bring about the best in them. Children bloom in the right way when their guides, their teachers as well as their mentors accept and value them the way they are instead of commanding and telling them what they are expected to do as it will never let them prosper.

Preschool is the best place where children get the right condition, where their best learning happens. Now, you must be wondering how preschools create that right condition? What exactly is the right condition? Well, to awake the joy and creative expressions in children, a slew of amusing themes are organized in preschools through which children learn how to take risks, explore the world, ask questions, and invent various things themselves. Inculcating play and various hands-on activities in the teaching-learning process will let a child raise in ways no one could ever imagine. Do not over structure everything as it will discourage a child’s performance.

Preschool themes are the best as they give the whole teaching-learning process a direction and make it more systematic. These themes do not only help the tiny tots but also help teachers to prepare well-ordered lesson plans and parents who are homeschooling. In this blog, we will shed a light upon the best 5 preschool themes which make learning a clear-sailing process for your child.

So, without any further ado let’s take a tour of these amazing preschool themes:

All About Me Theme

As everyone knows children love to talk! They keep talking and asking questions and that’s what makes them curious creatures. The motive of the ‘All About Me’ Theme is to let children thrive by allowing them various opportunities to observe everything around them, talk about it, and ask whichever question pops into their head. Along with learning about their own attributes and features like their hair, skin, and eyes, they learn about their community too. This theme aims at letting children realize the importance of themselves, their friends, and their families. Also, it makes children realize the importance of their thoughts and ideas.

These are some activities that are organized under ‘All about Me Theme’:

  • Creating an All About Me poster
  • Creating Self Portrait
  • Me on the Map activity to let children identify their city, area, and street
  • Name Activity
  • Family Collage Art
Alphabet Theme

Well, teaching alphabets to children can really be backbreaking as they’d prefer roaming and swinging around in mud rather than learning to write and read the letters. The intent of the alphabet theme is to let children learn the alphabet without trouble as there are a bunch of creative activities that preschools organize so that your kid starts loving all the letters. The best part is, these activities do not even let children realize that they are learning, in fact, they think it’s a part of their play (isn’t this what we aim for?). Now, let’s see the list of activities organize under Alphabet Theme:

  • Singing Alphabet songs
  • Creating ABC Sensory Cards
  • Name Puzzles
Animal Theme

Children love going to the zoo, you know why? Animals are children’s best friends and they are always curious to know about their favourite cute animals like Tiger, Lion, Rabbit, Cat, Dog, and many more. Whenever you ask any child about what he/she would like to study first, the answer will always be “Animals”. It’s not their fault though, animals deserve to be the centre of attraction as there is so much to learn about them. Kids think about animals frequently as they come across them daily, whether it’s the pet in their home, street animals, or wild animals they see in zoos. Animal Theme revolves around animals and everything about them.

Now, it’s time to have a look at various activities organized by preschools under Animal Theme:

  • Mimicking Animal Movements
  • Listening to Animal Sounds
  • Reading Animal Books
  • Learning about Animal Habitats
  • Creating Animal Portraits
  • Playing Animal Rescue
  • Adding Farm Animals to the Barn
Birds Theme

Pre schoolers are equally curious about birds as they are about animals. These kids see birds almost everywhere and enjoy their cheerful chirping while going to school in the morning. There are so many ways through which preschools make children learn about birds, their migration, laying eggs, nesting, habits, and so much more. Birds theme is really enticing as it lets children step out of their classrooms and learn in nature.

Preschools organize all these activities to teach students everything about birds:

  • Building a bird feeder
  • Bird Sensory Play
  • Creating Bird Portraits
  • Magnetic Bird Letter Activities
Colours Theme

Preschool is the best place where your child can play with colours with great enthusiasm. Children love colour as without these pretty colours it would have been impossible for them to witness the mesmerizing blue sky, tall green trees, happy green grass, and yes, the captivating colours of sunsets. There are uncountable activities organized by preschools to let children delve into these enticing colours, let’s have a look:

Preschools organize all these activities to teach students everything about birds:

  • Identifying things that are Green, Yellow, Blue, etc.
  • Reading rhymes (For example – Little Yellow, Little Blue)
  • Find the Colour Activity
  • Eating colourful snacks
  • Sensory Table
  • Dressing according to Colour of the Day

If you want your child to learn through various engaging themes then you should definitely enrol your little one in one of the best preschools like The Shri Ram Early Years, a preschool in Gurgaon. This preschool is the most popular among various preschools in Gurgaon as it uses various thematic units to make the teaching-learning process exciting and amusing for kids.

How selecting a good preschool in Gurgaon can prepare your child better

Opting for a preschool in Gurgaon has many benefits. The child would be a little open before going to a formal school. It would help them learn fast, understand things in a better way. So here are some benefits of a preschool in Gurgaon-

1. They will learn their ABCs and 123s

Kids will learn alphabets and numbers in preschool, but at their speed and by way of playing games. Making the kids sit in one place and learn is wrong. Instead teaching them through different ways like storytelling will help them learn fast. To help children learn language, making them learn through rhymes is an effective way. To help them learn counting you can make them count food items in their lunch box.

2. Preschool prepares children for kindergarten

As a formal school becomes more academic. Most of the parents want a foundation for their child which is why they opt for preschool in Gurgaon. Preschool is learning and playing. It does not create pressure over studies it helps the child to grow, to understand. Fortunately, in selecting a preschool, parents aren’t forced to choose between protecting a child’s playtime and making sure they are ready for kindergarten. Preschool staff of in Gurgaon preschools organize kids care programs. These programs help kids understand the specific ways that young children develop and learn. For the child’s psychological and cognitive development there are activities provided.

3. Social and emotional development

The child needs to feel secure and safe with the teacher. A bond of trust and love should be there between the child and teacher. A preschool in Gurgaon shares that kind of bond between the child and the teacher. Children should be willing to go to school. Parents should get daily reports of the child from school like their performance, what was being taught in the school? The children will learn to handle their emotions in no time. That is what is the purpose of preschool to prepare the kid for further studies, to prepare their mind.

4. Take care of themselves and others

The child’s confidence and self-worth increase when they learn to take care of themselves. As washing their hands properly is also an achievement, appreciate them in those little achievements. Those little things done on their own will make them learn that they can do things on their own.

5. Promotes language and cognitive skills

Language is infinite but at the age of 3 to 5 the kids experience the transitions in language and learn many new phrases, words, and sentences. The sentences are more complex. Making the kids learn in a conversational method and making them use their favorite words in a conversation would help them learn their language fast and in an easy way. Observation activities would help the child build the cognitive skills.

6. Nurture a child’s curiosity

Kids are curious about everything around them. So questioning them and answering would help this curious nurture. Making them believe in their imagination at this age their imagination is so active and fresh. but the teacher should clarify the difference between reality and imagination. as that imagination could turn into fear. But imagination is also a source of learning. As in their mind, they could imagine and learn this helps to open their mind and think out of the box.


So there are numerous benefits of preschool in Gurgaon and that is why preschool is important. So opting for preschool is a must. This would not only help them in their studies but help them in the longer run.

5 Ways To Make General Knowledge Exciting For Preschoolers

In today’s world, education beyond the classroom is very important for children. The most crucial way to increase preschooler’s overall knowledge is to increase their liking towards general knowledge. General knowledge is not only critical for a child’s holistic growth but also helps them increase their understanding of different topics. The development of the brain occurs the most at the age when children attend preschool. Therefore, it is imperative to introduce the various concepts to the children. We have listed down a few ways to make general knowledge exciting for preschoolers.

1. Teach with nature

Teaching with nature is one of the most amazing ways to teach children as they can observe things in real life. For example, plan a visit to the garden and teach children about the various plants or flowers. It is evident that they would not remember it all in just one visit but slowly will certainly start to understand the concept.

2. Learning through play

It is the most productive form of learning in preschoolers. Learning combined with playing makes it easy for children to remember as well as help them become creative and increase their problem-solving skills. For instance, when children play with building blocks or puzzles it helps them learn about shapes, helps them make better connections thus improving their people skills.

3. Newspapers

Newspapers are the best ways to gain knowledge about daily happenings. Yes, your preschooler may be too young to read it all by themselves but definitely not too young to listen. You can maybe read out a portion of the news to them and talk about it in a simplified manner so that is easy for them to understand.

4. Introduce fun quizzes

With the help of such fun quizzes, you can help preschoolers learn about trivia and other knowledgeable stuff much faster. Every week you should conduct these quizzes and include topics that they have already learned. Don’t forget to praise them on every right answer.

5. Toys

Toys are an important part of children’s play. But did you know that they are not all fun and games but are important for your child’s overall development? For instance, if children are playing using balls take this opportunity to tell about different sports such as football, cricket. General knowledge is not just limited to current affairs or preparing for any competitive exams. It is also about how we see our surroundings and how much we are aware of them. Preschoolers have this tendency to be curious about their surroundings and therefore teachers, parents should consider it while thinking about unique ways to teach them.

At TSEY, one of the best preschools in Gurgaon, we believe that the child’s brain is like a sponge that absorbs everything. For this reason, we strive to provide the best learning environment to the children. TSEY, a reputed preschool in Gurgaon follows a methodical approach to ensure the child learns, explores, and enjoys his preschool days to the fullest! For preschool admission in Gurgaon or any other query, you can always reach out or write to us

5 simple ways to motivate preschoolers to learn quickly

A preschool is a place where a young child first learns to interact with peers and explore themselves. Preschools play a crucial role in building a strong foundation and shaping early childhood development. From developing the habit to read, write and speak, the kind of training that a preschool provides becomes a strong foundation for the child’s growth for the rest of their lives. Preschools are transforming education by incorporating innovative ways of teaching. This can accelerate the learning process and help young children to grow holistically.

5 innovative ways to help preschoolers to learn quickly

TSEY lists down innovative ways to not only learn fast but in a meaningful way for preschoolers. Let’s take a look at the 5 simple ways/activities that can motivate them to learn in a holistic manner.

1. Engaging external environment and turning into learning opportunities

Encourage preschoolers to explore the real world as it helps grasp classroom learning in a better way. Organizing field trips or taking them to the park once in a while can make them more involved in their lessons.

2. DIYs

DIYs are a great activity to keep children engaged and unleash their creative potential. Give them simple materials and ask them to produce anything out of it like paper dolls, pinwheels, sunflower, fish & more. These simple activities help in the overall growth and development of the learners.

3. Role play

Role-playing is an effective and most exciting activity for kids. By allowing children to act out of real-life situations, it helps them develop language and communication skills and improve concentration and imagination ability.

4. Fill preschooler’s world with reading

Fill their world with reading materials like printed materials, newspapers, novels, or even posters. Keep separate sessions of reading and storytelling as it is crucial for their social or mental health and wellbeing.

5. Activity boxes

Educational activity boxes enable children to try new things, find different and unique ways to solve challenges. Apart from toys, this form of unstructured play enriches the young mind and promotes overall development in a fun manner.

If you want your children to be extraordinary, it is important not to limit them to just classroom teaching. Although classroom teaching is crucial to their intellectual growth, preschoolers need to open up and experience the world out of the four walls of the classroom. The external environment may motivate them to learn quickly and transfer the skills learned to their academic achievements as well.

If you are looking for the best preschool in Gurgaon, look no further than The Shri Ram Early Years. At TSEY, we promote learning through innovative and creative ideas. Our learning modules are designed to be as fun and engaging as possible for young minds and support their overall development. Contact us today for preschool admission for your child or alternatively write to us

Increase confidence and self-belief in kids through these ways

We all want to give the best facilities and mannerisms to our children so that they grow into good human beings. The most important lesson for that to happen is to help them develop a stream of strong confidence and belief in themselves. This can be possible by guiding them in the right direction and also taking their hands to walk some of the ways into an early stage. There are many factors that you can utilise to help your child become a good person with strong morals and beliefs. So, as per the preschoolin Gurgaon what are the factors you should keep in mind to help your child? Here are some of them:

Be Their Model:

The first thing kids notice while they are growing up is the people who are always near them. So, they always copy the things their parents do and say. Therefore, you must try to become a model for the kind of manners and beliefs you want to instil in your child. By behaving nicely and carrying yourself confidently, you will allow your child to absorb that personality trait in them. Always remember whatever you do, your child is seeing you and storing it in their minds for their own life to follow. So, be a good role model.

This practice is also highly approved by the teaching staff at the best play school in Gurgaon. Since teachers are the people children spend most of their time with, good preschools have teachers who are sweet with children and know how to handle them confidently. 

Mistakes Are Okay:

We all make mistakes. This is a part of our life and makes us humans. So, instead of teaching your kids not to make mistakes, you must explain to them the concept that it is okay to make mistakes sometimes. Do not scold them harshly when they do something wrong as this may scare them into becoming a sullen person which will then lead them to be bullied by outsiders. Explain to them what they are doing wrong and how to rectify that. You must also choose such best preschools in Gurgaon that do not use harsh methods to scold their students. Being gentle and polite is the key to a good childhood.

Always forgive their shortcomings and teach them to do the same. This belief will help them become a good person in life.

Let Them Explore:

If you want to instil confidence in your child, the first thing you have to do is let them explore things freely. Do not set too many boundaries in every step of life. It is correct to make rules in a place where their well-being is considered but being too overprotective is not good for the confidence of your child. When they explore things on their own, like their surroundings, what to do and not to do, the people they befriend, etc. it will help them to understand life lessons in a much better way. Just keep in mind that you cannot protect your children from everything bad, instead, you should focus on developing their confidence for their own protection.

Trips & Stories:

Stories from around the world teach us many things. From being brave to doing the right deed, many kinds of life lessons are induced in a child's mind by telling them stories. So, have a story night with them as a bonding time between parents and children and help them develop good beliefs. The protagonists in all the stories will help your child become inspired and increase their strength by facing difficulties with confidence.

Also, take them to museums, gardens, and historical moments nearby to know about various things, both good and bad. Going to different places and learning to interact with new kinds of people make a child curious and curiosity is a sign of intelligence. The topplay schools in Gurgaon also practise this method as part of the student's curriculum.

Reward Their Efforts:

The best way to increase a person's self-confidence, both child and adult, is by praising them for their efforts and accomplishments. It is not possible for every child to do their work properly the first time. As they are growing up, they are learning new things. They might be good at it or they might not. But, you must always praise their efforts. Let them know by your encouraging words or your actions, i.e. a sweet chocolate treat, that they are doing good. This will encourage them to perform even better so that they won’t disappoint you.

Children love getting praised by the people they like, such as their parents, teachers, friends, etc. Therefore, the best preschools in Gurgaon use this tactic and the teachers always pay special attention to every child separately and help them perform better with each passing day.

Let Them Do Some Of The Chores:

You might remember the feeling of wanting to grow up early and become adults just like your parents. The same is going through the tiny little head of your child. You can help them to become responsible by letting them help you with chores in the house. This will make them feel good about themselves, thus increasing their confidence. Also, it will develop the belief of helping others in their mind which will transform their personalities into that of a kind-hearted people.

You can ask them to bring some items from the refrigerator or kitchen. Or you can tell them to help you prepare a meal in which they can wash the vegetables and pass out other ingredients to you. Then, give them the credit in front of others and see the change it will bring in their personalities. They would be shining with self-pride and good habits.

These are some of the factors and practices that will help you to develop confidence and self-belief in your child. You should also look for the best play schools in Gurgaon that utilise these concepts in their curriculum so that your child can get the best education they deserve.

‘Self Confidence’ is an internal quality that is taught and built at TSEY. Our personalised curriculum with innovative teaching methods help your child develop inner strength and set predefined goals for himself. Contact us for more details.

TSEY Experience

TSEY is a Pre-school where learning is informal Children are encouraged to explore the environment through the senses.

TSEY Mission

TSEY is a Pre-school where learning is informal Children are encouraged to explore the environment through the senses.

TSEY Educator

TSEY is a Pre-school where learning is informal Children are encouraged to explore the environment through the senses.

TSEY Parent

Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

Ans. We have four programmes at The Shri Ram Early Years Gurugram.
1. AARAMBH, where little dreams begin…
A unique Companion and Me programme for children of ages 1 year and above.
2. Nanhe Kadam,
For children of ages 1.6 years and above, is equivalent to Play Group.
3. Badhte Kadam
For children of ages 2.6 years and above, is a pre-nursery programme.
4. Udhte Kadam
Advanced Pre-Nursery for children of age 3.6 and above.
Our curriculum is an amalgamation of the best and progressive methodologies which include elements of Montessori, Jodo Gyan, Multiple Intelligences, BALA, Playway and the Regio Amelia approach.

Ans. The classroom activities are designed in such a way that there is conscious focus on the development and honing of various skills such as Language and Communication, Social skills, Emotional, Critical and Creative Thinking, Fine and Gross Motor skills.

Ans. Children are assigned to age-appropriate classes so that they have ample opportunity to interact with their peers. In every class, there are two teachers; and the play-based activities are interactive and meticulously designed to engage every child. With individual attention to every child, and considering their individual pace and time, we ensure that the classroom connect is gradual and comfortable. Naturally, this enables a seamless settling for your child and soon, eagerly looking forward to coming to school.

Ans. There is an established protocol of sharing the child’s development by way of Parent-Teacher Meeting (PTM) and progress report. In addition, parents may write to the class teacher seeking an appointment for the same.

Ans. School admission fees are payable at the time of admission. Tuition fees are payable every quarter. As of now, we only have Net Banking transfer facility (NEFT), once you confirm that you would like to go ahead with admission, the bank details will be shared via email.

Ans. We would require a month’s advance notice before the discontinuation of the online classes.

Ans. Pre-school education is important for a child because it is more than just preparation for primary school. Our pre-school curriculum focusses on holistic development in the formative years of your child. The diverse aspects of a child's social, emotional, cognitive and physical needs are suitably addressed to build a strong foundation for lifelong learning and wellbeing. Young children are naturally observant and curious. At The Shri Ram Early Years, we offer a wide spectrum of play-based learning that equips your child with important academic, social and life skills.

Shri Differentiators

Wonder Time

This is an activity that encourages young inquisitive minds to experience....

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Circle Time

This is a special bonding time that develops in children...

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Choice Time

Children are free to move to different activity corners and choose...

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Share and Tell

This activity enhances the communication skills and builds confidence ...

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Safe and secure Environment

In keeping with our philosophy of providing...

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Free Play

This activity fosters creativity and imagination in children. It provides...

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Music and Movement

Far from being just an activity on the time table, Music and Movement is...

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Parents Speak

TSEY Rocks

There couldn’t be a better School or my daughter. She loved being here. I am sure Pari Is going to miss TSEY for a long long time.

Thanks a lot

Mr.Saurabh Modi


So proud to be associated with TSEY. Amaira loved her 2 years here and she has grown up so well here!!Thanks everyone.




I am really impressed from my heart the way The Shri Ram Early Years have taught these young ones. With lots of love, affection, care, knowledge – It’s really wonderful and appreciable.  I am happy and proud of being a part of TSEY family.

Grandmother of Daksh Katyal


So proud that the foundation of my child’s future is laid very strong.
    Thank you TSEY.


Parent of Anika


Thank you TSEY

As there are so many Sips between a Sip and a Lip,so are the many years for children to gain there education completely.But I’m sure they are going to remember each n every golden moment spent here.Their “FOUNDATION” is strong.

Ms.Gurleen Kaur

  • The Shri Ram Early Years

    Behind Vipul Greens,

    Sohna - Gurgaon Rd,

    Sector 48, Gurugram, Haryana 122018

  • +91-8882 676 553

    +91-9953 613 785